The built environment is a major emitter of carbon emissions within the UK. 25% of UK CO2 emissions are directly controlled by the built environment sector, and it influences 42% of all UK CO2 emissions.
We are already feeling the effects of a warming planet, 2023 saw for the first time in history the global average temperature increase of over 1.5° vs pre industrial levels and with it an increased chance of extreme weather events, retreating glaciers, and reduction in food and water security. Without immediate carbon reductions, it is “very likely” we will likely exceed 2°C warming by 2100.
Library Of Things Springfield aims to tackle the climate crisis by encapsulating a circular economy, providing spaces that enables, inspires and empowers the community to create a circular future.
The building is designed from natural materials, in a way that’s adaptable and can be disassembled and reused, whilst enabling the community to start on their circular journey.
Library Of Things Springfield provide the opportunity of a complete circular future.
Winner of RIBA West Midlands Student Award - Outstanding Student in the Final Year (Part I)
Winner of Wolverhampton University SoABE - Best Final Year Project (Architecture)
Nomination for RIBA Bronze Medal award
Winner of Wolverhampton University SoABE - Best Final Year Project (Architecture)
Nomination for RIBA Bronze Medal award